corporate executives for event planning business

6 Perks of Being a Corporate Event Planner

There’s more to the event planning profession than planning sweet 16s. Have you ever thought about becoming a corporate event planner? It may sound like you’ll spend most of your time around grey suits and presentation boards, but this job isn’t boring by any means. You could be a freelancer, a company’s in-house event planner, or be part of an established planning business—these are all dynamic positions that can all lead to rewarding careers.

It’s not always easy, but there are some serious perks to this job. Still not convinced? Read on for the 6 perks of being a corporate event planner!

1. You’ll set your own hours

Especially if you’re not a company’s in-house planner, you’ll find that your position is extremely flexible. You’re normally only given a specific time period (with intermediary deadlines) to complete a specific stage of the planning process. The rest of the time, you can decide your own hours. You could work at any time of day that best suits your needs or the needs of your business.

This flexibility is not only a nice perk, but it’s also necessary if you’re planning multiple events at the same time. You may need to attend meetings all afternoon one day and then scout venues later that evening. Each day has a whole new set of tasks, so being able to schedule your work day to best suit your own needs is a huge perk!

2. Out with the old, in with the new!

Even if you have a less-than-stellar client, you can finish up your contract with them, and then never have to work with them again! The freedom to choose your own clients and take on new projects as they suit your ambitions and needs cannot be overlooked. With new clients and new projects come new challenges, new vendors to work with, and new goals to achieve.

arrangement of food, flowers, and table setting for wedding

Yes, most event components won’t be changing—you’re always going to be negotiating with sponsors and hiring entertainment—but with all these changing factors, you’ll never be bored.

3. You’re always meeting different people

If you’re a people person, then this career is perfect for you! You’ll not only meet new clients for every project you take, but you’ll also be able to meet many new people throughout the planning process. You’ll be able to collaborate with different industry professionals as your event unfolds. The planning job doesn’t just end on the day the event occurs. You’re expected to ensure that everything goes smoothly, and that means you’re going to be attending the event yourself!

Everyone you meet at a particular event is an opportunity to network. If they’re impressed with your work, they may hire you in the future for their own events! Meeting people from all walks of life will give you boundless opportunities to learn new things and develop ideas—ideas that could even help you plan better events!

4. You’ll get to be creative

When you think “corporate” you’re probably not immediately associating it with “creativity”. But being innovative is absolutely necessary if you want to make a lasting impression on your clients and their event guests. If your clients are looking for new ways to engage audiences and present ideas, you’ll be given more creative freedom. Whether it’s adopting trends or capitalizing them at your client’s receptiveness to new ideas, your creativity will be rewarded in spades.

corporate networking with catering

Successful events aren’t always carried on the backs of tried-and-true methods. If you have well-researched and thought out ideas, you could even become a trendsetter in the industry!

5. You’ll be satisfied with your work

If you’ve thrown a successful event, you can tell immediately. Are people engaged in the presentations and the people giving them? Is there a nice buzz and positive energy in the venue space? Is everything going well without a hitch? If it is, you will feel an overwhelming sense of personal satisfaction.

You were the one who put in the blood, sweat, and tears to make sure everything goes well, so when you can see it all come together in front of your eyes…well, it’s okay to relish in the moment! Some careers are never-ending uphill rides that don’t afford opportunities for celebration. Thankfully, this isn’t one of them!

6. You’ll receive privileged access

If you’re planning an event for some pretty important people, you can reasonably expect them to put you up in luxury accommodations as you’re working hard to execute it. Some planners get to stay in the best 5-star hotels around the world, take helicopter rides, and dine in the most exclusive restaurants. Now, we know that this isn’t always possible for all corporate planners, but you’ll receive slightly toned-down versions of those same perks. You’ll travel for free since you’re overseeing crucial elements of the event, your meals and hotel stay will be paid for, and, best of all, you’ll be able to sample food and wine when planning the menu.

cupcakes and desserts

The endless opportunities to eat, sleep, and enjoy experiences you may never otherwise have been able to, are some of the job’s finest perks!

Want to move up in the event and wedding industry? Check out this article on attracting high-profile clients!

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