How to Get the Most of Your Event Planning Courses While the Kids Are at Home

In light of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, people everywhere are being strongly advised to remain indoors as much as possible and socially distance themselves from others. For gamers and homebodies, it’s business as usual. But what about those of you whose 2020 resolution was to become a certified event and wedding planner?

With schools closed down for the time being, you might have the children at home with you. With a full household to run and little ones to keep entertained, how can you possibly have the time to work towards your certification?

Keep that chin up, because we’re here to give you some great news! Not only is it completely possible, but we can help you make it manageable, too. Trust us: just because you and the kids are cooped up indoors right now, DOESN’T mean you have to put your career aspirations on hold!

So how can you get the most of your event planning courses right now? Let’s find out!

Tip #1: Create a Schedule for the Children

Children in particular function best when they have structure. Just because they’re not in school at the moment doesn’t mean their schedules need to go out the window! By putting together a daily schedule for them to follow, they’ll have certain things to look forward to throughout the day, such as:

  • Play time
  • Meals
  • Nap time
  • Focused learning time (this can be as simple as an electronics-free block where they’re encouraged to read, do a puzzle, etc.)
  • Bath time
  • Bed time

Creating a schedule for your kids will also help keep things organized for the entire household! You can build a routine that allows you to not only have time for yourself, but know when those times will take place. This will give you the opportunity to schedule in your own activities that you can follow on a daily basis.

For example, if you know that every day from 1:00pm to 2:00pm, your children will be napping, you can anticipate that you’ll have that hour to devote to something you want to get done. Likewise, if you always put them to bed by 8:30pm, the rest of your evening after that is totally up for grabs!

Kids thrive when they have a schedule they can rely on. As their parent, it will not only benefit them, but YOU as well! Of course, we understand that life is unpredictable and things won’t always go as planned. That’s okay! If your schedule is out of whack one day, simply go back to it again the next day. Consistency is key.

Tip #2: Create a Schedule for Yourself

One perk about online wedding and event planning courses is that they can be done at your own pace. For many online schools, the courses are self-regulated and don’t impose deadlines.

The downside of this freedom is that, without self-discipline, your schooling can fall by the wayside. You can start developing some negative habits, such as procrastination. You might save everything until the last possible minute, and then rush through it all as quickly as possible. Not only do these poor habits jeopardize your learning experience, it’s setting you up to fail as a professional event and wedding planner!

Instead, we recommend that you try to set a schedule for yourself when it comes to your event planning courses. Think about what your days are typically like, and when you tend to have free time. Out of that time, how much of it do you realistically think you can devote to your studies on a regular basis?

Many event and wedding planners find it useful to have day planners and calendars that they can fill up with their scheduled tasks. Go over your course curriculum so you can come up with deadlines and due dates you feel you can meet. Map out your game plan for how you want to complete your event planning courses, and when you intend to dedicate your time to them. Then do your best to stick with it!

For more tips on excelling at your event planning courses, click here!

Don’t forget: By utilizing Tip #1, it’ll make Tip #2 a LOT easier!

Tip #3: Get Inspired in Your Downtime

We get it: sometimes, you just don’t feel like doing schoolwork. Things are pretty hectic everywhere right now, and we can only imagine what it must be like at home for you. You have to keep the household running, and look after the children, and fit in time for your event planning courses, and find time for yourself, and…

It’s a lot right now, and we fully understand! There may be nights where you put the kids to sleep and simply don’t have the mental energy to put towards your schooling. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still utilize your down time to continue learning in a way that’s a bit more laid back!

For starters, you can always curl up in bed with a notepad, and brainstorm ideas and goals for the future. Where do you want to be in 5 years? How do you plan to get there? Write down a bunch of potential names for business you want to one day start! Get as creative as you want, and psych yourself up for all that’s to come!

You can also take full advantage of social media to get inspired. Perhaps one night, instead of browsing through Netflix, you find some event and wedding planning-related videos to watch on YouTube! Instead of scrolling through Facebook on your phone, why not check out some planning-related hashtags on Instagram, and see what’s currently trending?

At times when you’re just too tired for schoolwork, there’s a whole other world of learning and inspiration that you can find online!

Tip #4: Make Time for YOU

It’s just as important that you make sure to set aside time that’s 100% devoted for yourself. The entire world is stressed enough right now as it is. We don’t want you your event planning courses to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back!

The key to managing a busy schedule (especially in the middle of a pandemic) is to prioritize your mental health just as much as your physical health. If you spread yourself too thin, you’re going to burn out. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health and well-being!

So when you’re creating and then following your own schedule, don’t just fill it up with errands, chores, and your event planning courses. Pencil in some free time to take a bubble bath, start a new book, or even just veg on the couch with a movie. Make this part of your regular routine, and honor it!

Making time for yourself is one of the single greatest things you can do – for you, your career, and your family!

Do you have more tips for getting the most out of your event planning courses while the kids (or even just you) are at home? Let us know in the comments!

Want to take advantage of your time at home by earning your planning certification? Enroll in QC’s leading online Event and Wedding Planning Course today!

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