Online search for event planner jobs

How to Look for Event Planner Jobs

Many of our graduates here at QC decide to start their own businesses in the field once that have completed their training with us. However, we know that this direction might not be for everyone. Some people are more comfortable with finding a job in the field and working for someone else. Here are some tips to consider when you are looking for a job in the event planning field.

Always start with higher quality job websites when searching online

When you’re searching online for job postings, be sure to stick to well-known job websites like Indeed and Monster. Companies that are seriously looking to fill a position are most likely to post on websites like this since higher quality candidates are more likely to be registered on them.

Looking for event planner jobs

You can also post your resume on these sites so potential employers can find you even before they have posted the position they are looking to fill. This could mean less searching for you, and access to potential positions before they are even made available to the public.

Be sure to drop off your resume with venues in your area

Many venues, such as convention centers and hotels, hire on their own event planning staff since events are regular income for them. Be sure to stop by some of the venues in your area and give them your resume even if they aren’t currently hiring. This way if a position does become available they will already have your resume on file so they can contact you.

Note: Some places will only hang on to resumes for a certain period of time, so be sure you make note of this, especially for places you are very eager to work at.

Check directly with other planners

Sometimes other planners might be able to use an extra set of hands and would be willing to hire you on for larger projects that they are working on. This is also a great way to network, since sometimes planners who already have a large workload will refer clients to other planners that they trust.

Professional meeting for event planner jobs

Check your neighboring city

If you are living in a small town, consider looking in some of the larger cities that are nearby. Smaller towns won’t always have the largest pool of positions available in the industry you are looking for. If there are any larger cities nearby, be sure to keep an eye out for available positions there. You may need to commute or relocate, but sometimes you need to do this if you want to find your dream job.

Widen your search even further

If you are willing to relocate for a position in the planning field, then don’t be scared to look for positions all over your country, or even all over the world. You could find an amazing opportunity on the other side of the globe that will give you experience that can put you ahead of the pack if you choose to return to your hometown.

Note: If you are looking at international positions, be sure you know the requirements for foreigners to work in these countries. You’ll need to have everything in order before you can start working in another country.

Searching international event planner jobs

Finding a job can be quite the daunting process, but the biggest thing to remember is to try not to be discouraged. The perfect position isn’t likely to fall in your lap, so keep on searching and keeping your eyes open. You never know what you’ll be able to find if you keep looking.

Here at QC, we’re devoted to helping you start your dream career! Learn more about our business training, included in our professional event planning courses!

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