Event School Certificate Feature

5 Ways to Use Your Event School Certificate Outside of Event Planning

What can I do with an event school certificate? Or, is an event school certificate worth it? These are questions that many people ask themselves while they pore over the myriad of certification options available. But as a recent shoutout by the event app Whova indicates, the value of your event planning certificate depends on the quality of your program.

Any event school certificate with a strong course behind it can help you get your career off the ground. A certificate (from a valid institution, of course!) prepares you to enter the event industry in a professional capacity, giving you a qualification that will follow you no matter what career you pursue.

If you’re unsure about exactly what you can do with your new accreditation, this post is for you!

1. Build networking connections

The network of resources you will gain access to is a definite highlight of getting your event school certificate. As part of the learning process, you will be following a curriculum that will test your skills and prepare you for real-life event planning scenarios. You’ll also be submitting many of these assignments as you would to a professional client. Which means you’ll learn how to comport yourself in a business setting, an invaluable skill you can bring forth into every other professional avenue.

Event School Certificate Women Networking

Then there are the networking tools you’ll develop. A reputable event planning school will provide you with some type of professional accreditation you can use to build contacts within the industry (like our own International Event Planning Professional designation for QC grads!). Not only will an event school certificate make you a competitive event planner—it can also open up doors to other professions in and outside of the industry.

2. Break into the hospitality industry

There’s no doubt about it—going to event planning school will boost your hosting skills. It means you know how to coordinate a high volume of guests and make the venue look good, all while staying on budget and making sure the guests are enjoying themselves. And what industry needs professionals who know how to make guests welcome more than the hospitality industry?

Event School Certificate Break into the Hospitality Industry

Hotels, resorts, and restaurants all make the most out of their clients having a good time on vacation. If you have a passion for event planning, chances are that you like putting together first-rate events for guests to enjoy. If you dream of tropical destinations, your job may be to plan the most outrageous cabana pool party for honeymooners on a vacation resort. If you prefer to keep it classic, you may be working for a high-end B&B to ensure that a guest experience is flawless. So if working with people in a dynamic and engaging environment interests you, using your event school certificate to make it in the hospitality industry may just be the career move you were looking for.

3. Become a PR professional

A proper event school teaches you how to create the vision your client is trying to bring to life. You do this with décor, design, color, and a whole lot of thought into what both clients and guests want to see. This natural balance will shine in communications-based fields such as public relations and marketing in which you are trying to deliver a message to customers looking for a service or product.

Public Relations Woman with Event School Certificate

Did we mention that event planners demonstrate incredible leadership skills? So while you will become a pro at negotiating logistics, you will also learn how to properly manage projects within really tight timeframes. You may not always be dealing with a bride and groom, but you will know how to handle the demands of difficult clients, as well as how to deliver on the results. Receiving your event school certificate will also improve your people skills. Whereas others may be too focused on cold hard numbers, you’ll be very adept at understanding your audience, which is right at the heart of public relations.

4. Get involved with your community

If you’ve ever wanted to throw a party for a good cause, here’s your chance. That Christmas fundraiser your local animal shelter really needs to hold? It’ll warm your heart to take on. Okay, so technically this is still right in the realm of event planning. But we often hear this one from students who get their event school certificate: once you learn how to handle the logistics of planning an event, opportunities where you can use your event planning services suddenly jump out at you.

Get involved in community with event school certificate

It’s not just about learning how to plan a successful event. It’s about teaching others how the smallest of details can translate into an amazingly thoughtful experience. Event planning is not just about finding a caterer. It’s about understanding what your client and guests want. Getting an event school certificate will allow you take on that instructional and mentoring role so you can sit back and enjoy experiences as a guest. And let’s face it, the world needs more well-planned events!

5. Become an entrepreneur

This one is a no-brainer. As we already mentioned, event planners are born leaders! Who else would have the ability or confidence to take on the safety and enjoyment of hundreds of guests? If you have the energy and drive, getting your event school certificate might just be the most lucrative decision you ever make. From learning to negotiate with vendors to developing a solid business plan, you’ll develop the skills to successfully lead your own business.

Become an Entrepreneur with an Event School Certificate

You don’t have to worry about being pigeon-holed (although planning a niche business can also be very lucrative). If you can think about opportunities where people gather and how you can make that experience better, you’ll learn how to make an entrepreneurial venture work. You could combine your event planning business with floral work or specialty cake baking. You may even open your own boutique. Everything down to branding and developing a marketing plan will be a skill you already have. Or you may even choose to lead workshops and book motivational speakers. Now, don’t those options leave you inspired?

Want to learn more about QC Event School? Take a look at our online courses designed for the most competitive areas of event planning.

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